We look forward to having many adventures with you. If you would like to come see our amazing classroom, we have an open door policy from 9:30-11:30 & 3:30-5:30. All other times require an appointment. The tuition for this classroom is $275 a week
Achievement goal for graduating this class:
Welcome to our curious lambs room. Children of this room are busy exploring and learning how to play in many different ways. The children begin to use their imaginations and creativity while they play. Our child care educators encourage and enhance the children’s minds by asking open ended questions and role modeling.
The lambs are following directions and routines. This helps with the transition from one activity to the next. In this class the children focus on fine motor, gross motor, language, science, music, art, and math. The lambs will have small and large group time to help them with the planned activities and ensure they get the attention needed. We encourage all children to use their words to express how they feel and ask for what they want.
The lambs provide breakfast (8:15), lunch (11:00), snack (5:30 & 6:00), art supplies, and mats for sleeping. Parents must provide labeled change of clothes, diapers, wipes, water bottle, crib sheet, and a blanket. If you wish you can provide diaper rash cream and bug spray with a completed medical release form. All children must wear closed toe shoes and be here by 9:00.